An insertable sextech device that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to release Cannabidoil (CBD) into the body via the vagina is being developed, with its makers saying it will help combat sexual problems and treat conditions related to female pleasure and reproduction.
The EZ-G device is made by the Israeli BYND Cannasoft company and is in the prototype stage, with patents pending. The company said that the EX-G could potentially allow a user to have sex when they previously abstained from intercourse due to anxiety or pain.
It looks a little like a small vibrator, and opens with an unscrewing motion to allow you to place a capsule containing CBD oil inside it. The device heats the oil and passes it along tubes inside the EX-G, then releases the oil through holes, allowing it to be absorbed by the soft body tissue within the vagina.
The device features a chip containing software that manages the release of the CBD oil. It uses AI to interpret data from sensors on the device related to the conditions of the user’s sexual organs, and can be paired with an app using Bluetooth.
“The EZ-G device has evolved to provide treatment relief from sexual and mental problems, including the ability to have intercourse as it relates to anxiety and physical pain. The device is capable of enhancing sexual pleasure and reducing sexual pain by dispensing a low concentration of CBD oil lubricant in a controlled manner,” Yftah Ben Yaackov, CEO and director of BYND Cannasoft, says.
He added: “The sale of the disposable capsules containing the CBD lubricant would provide BYND Cannasoft with a revenue model much like the razor and the razor blade.”
BYND Cannasoft said that as well as aiding sexual intercourse, the EZ-G could potentially be used to help manage symptoms of reproductive system problems such as ovarian cysts, vaginal scarring, vulvodynia, vaginismus, vaginal dryness and pelvic floor dysfunctions.
Read next: How sextech can help you heal sexual trauma
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