
Founded 1929
103-105 Bath Rd, Slough, Berkshire, UK

Durex is a globally recognized name in sexual health and wellness, known for its extensive range of condoms and lubricants that prioritize both safety and pleasure. Since its inception in the early 20th century, Durex has consistently evolved to keep pace with changing societal attitudes toward sex and sexual wellness, placing a significant focus on education and user safety.

In recent years, Durex has embraced technological advancements, integrating these innovations into its products and marketing strategies. A notable development is the brand’s foray into smart condoms, which can track performance metrics and provide data about the user’s sexual activity. This move places Durex within the growing trend of sextech, where real-time, data-driven insights into personal wellness are increasingly sought after.

Durex also contends with privacy and data security concerns, especially as products become more connected and capable of collecting personal user information. The brand has responded by highlighting the importance of user privacy and the ethical use of technology to enhance sexual health. Legal and ethical considerations about data collection and user consent are at the forefront of Durex’s innovation strategy.

Durex represents a substantial entity in the sexual health and pleasure landscape, balancing cutting-edge technological integration with a steadfast commitment to safety and education, while actively addressing the complexities surrounding privacy in a digital world.

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