The inventor of the Autoblow penis stroker has revealed that 15 percent of the device’s users spend more than an hour each day with their Autoblow connected to online content. The data has led to the company placing ‘addiction warning’ labels on its products.
You might imagine that penis stroker owners use their devices for just a few minutes at a time, rather than for tantric-style solo sessions, but the data point highlighted by Autoblow is an interesting insight into how some users challenge this assumption.
It also highlights the fact that these kinds of internet-connected devices may collect user data that can, in some form, become part of publicly-released information such as this 15 percent data point. Autoblow’s privacy policy says that information it collects from penis stroker device users can include data regarding location, web browsing, and video viewing. The company also says it can share user information with outside companies or entities.
The latest Autoblow device is the Autoblow AI Ultra, which came out in late 2023. It uses AI to sync vibrations and movements to the action in porn content, within a video library run by the company.
Brian Sloan, inventor of the Autoblow, suggested that the long usage time that 15 percent of Autoblow users take part in surprised him, and prompted him to attach a warning label to his products. Now, Autoblow devices come with a black label with a picture of a man with his head in his hands, along with the message: “Warning… overuse with synced pornographic videos may be addictive and impair your ability to form and enjoy real life relationships.”
Sloan said that after examining the usage time data, “I understood that the experience for some men went from a fun and novel way to masturbate to one that opened dopamine floodgates they may find impossible to close.”
He added that although he has no intention of stepping away from selling masturbation machines, “I now feel a responsibility to warn men to use this new technology with care. I entered the adult industry to help men feel their best; not to turn them into depressed and anxious zombies who lose interest in real life partners. Additionally, I have real concerns for how this technology could accelerate a human population decline.”
Sloan has claimed that the Autoblow is the first sex toy to have an addiction warning label, self-imposed or otherwise.
As well as a warning, the label does, of course, serve as an advertisement for Autoblow devices. The fact that the company distributed a media release about the label further suggests that addressing “human population decline” may not in fact be the firm’s primary intention.
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