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Hybri is a mainstream holographic companion that also knows over 50 sexual poses

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Although the adult industry is usually first to embrace new technologies, it doesn’t take long for a more general use case to emerge. Take Hybri for example, a Florida-based startup that’s bringing its range of ‘Human AI Partner’ holograms to crowdfunding next month.

The mixed reality platform lets you design your perfect companion based on one of the generic templates offered on the site. Choose everything from hair color, dress and personality type, before letting them loose in your own environs, either through a smartphone, or a virtual reality or augmented reality headset.

You can even scan the face of a real person to be the face of your hologram… which doesn’t sound totally creepy at all. Nuh uh.

If you fancy taking them ‘some place nice’, switch to full VR mode and you can be anywhere you want, together, from a choice of over 40 locations.

Hybri has a dedicated ‘adult mode’, a bit like Mia in Humans.

Because Hybri uses cloud-based AI, your companion can gain real personality traits – they can miss you when you go, be bossy, completely subserviant, or even have a row with you.

Despite being a mainstream product, Hybri holograms have an ‘adult mode’ – a bit like ‘Mia’ in Humans.

Your hologram partner knows over 50 sexual poses, but more than that, has a sexual personality: they know what they like, and they know what they don’t. Some might fall in love with you, others play hard to get. Just like life.

promptchan ai

In other words, Hybri is offering a more rounded companion, not limited to being just a sex object. In fact, they have their own lives going on when you’re not around and a back story to boot.

Hybri Male Avatar Augmented Reality
Hybri will offer male avatars, as well as female.

All of which means that if you make the wrong choices when you’re setting up, you could end up with someone that wants to talk about their day when you’re feeling horny.

Fortunately, being virtual, a few tweaks of the settings will sort that out.

Hybri is launching on Kickstarter next month, starting at $49 for super-early bird backers.

READ NEXT: The tantalizing promise that touchable holograms will make digital experiences more immersive

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