APA, unlike some other Android porn apps, offers a selection of both images and videos, which is a nice bonus above other options in our porn app shortlist. Does it have enough features to make it worth installing over bigger names like Pornhub or YouPorn though? Read on to find out… APA Android Porn App: […]
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APA, unlike some other Android porn apps, offers a selection of both images and videos, which is a nice bonus above other options in our porn app shortlist.
Does it have enough features to make it worth installing over bigger names like Pornhub or YouPorn though? Read on to find out…
APA Android Porn App: Features
Many people are concerned with the possibility of others seeing their Web browser history, and unfortunately that concern is not eliminated with the use of mobile websites, but that’s not a problem you’ll have using a native porn app like APA.
This application features a claimed 130,000+ videos that are organized into easy to navigate categories. Anyone looking for a simple way to find and watch porn while on the go or on mobile devices – and who also doesn’t want to spend any money – could do a lot worse than checking out APA.
As a free app, you might expect it to only offer streaming, but that’s not the case, and it also allows downloading of porn videos too. By providing both options, users have the versatility they need to watch adult movies both on and offline.
The application provides updates as well, for both picture and video content. Because it features pornography, which is against the terms of service of the Google Play Store, the application requires that downloaders permit third-party applications to be downloaded onto their cellular device. You can see instructions for that here if you need help.
For more personalized fun, integrated Webcam options are also available as part of the app.
Unfortunately, free has its ‘price’. In this case, that price is a number of ads that will be scrolling along between videos. Nonetheless, the company did an excellent job organizing porn categories and this part of the app is even better than a number of our other favorite options.
If you do not mind having what might be a higher average amount of advertisements, APA is fantastic for anyone wanting to watch adult movies on their Android device. And you don’t really have a lot to lose in checking it out, as it’s all free anyway.
Lea dives deep into the complexities and nuances of the ever-evolving world of sex and technology. Her expertise spans across various topics, from news and discussions on the latest advancements, to thought-provoking analysis of the societal impact of these innovations.
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