Sex toys are awesome for anyone, but they make sex more accessible for disabled people. They allow disabled people to perform actions that they might not be able to otherwise. Here are 10 suggestions for sex toys for disabled folks. This list is by no means exhaustive, and because everyone is different, you have to […]
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Evan S. is a genderqueer, disabled sex educator and freelance writer. With over 15 years of experience, they run Cripping Up Sex with Eva, a platform focused on providing sex education specifically for people with disabilities. They have conducted numerous workshops across the country, written the book Queers on Wheels, and review sex toys with an accessibility perspective. Their work highlights the lack of inclusive sex education and advocates for more accessible options in the sexual wellness space
Sex toys are awesome for anyone, but they make sex more accessible for disabled people. They allow disabled people to perform actions that they might not be able to otherwise. Here are 10 suggestions for sex toys for disabled folks. This list is by no means exhaustive, and because everyone is different, you have to […]