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Scam loan apps sent fake nude photos to victims’ family members

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Scam loan apps have sent faked nude images of victims to their family members, as part of harassment and doxxing campaigns against them, intended to pressure them into paying back any money that has been transferred (plus more) within a few days.

An investigation by Rest of World found that a loan app named iFectivo was reportedly one of 94 apps listed by Mexican cyber police as being potentially related to doxxing activities.

A woman based in Mexico, named Maria, told the outlet that iFectivo, which is available to download on Google Play, sent a photo of a naked woman with Maria’s face edited onto it to her 13 year-old daughter, her cousin and her nieces.

iFectivo reportedly also sent messages alongside the image saying that Maria had become a prostitute to pay off loans she had taken out.

Rest of World reported that Mexican authorities have logged hundreds of people being harassed by fraudulent loan apps, that often ask for data such as your contacts list as well as your financial information, when you sign up to them. Of the 94 apps listed by Mexican cyberpolice, 35 were available on Google’s Play store.

Borrowers using the apps have reportedly been on the receiving end of barrages of phone calls from lenders, plus rape threats as well as threats to distribute fake nude photos.

Experts said that poor regulation in Mexico was allowing apps such as iFectivo to operate with little recourse for victims.

In the last few years Google has removed numerous scam loan apps from its Play store, and introduced stricter policies regarding them. However, despite 24 of the 35 loan apps engaging in harassing behaviour that were available on Google Play being flagged as platforms for doxxers, they were yet to be removed.

SEXTECHGUIDE.COM has contacted Google for comment and will update when we hear back.

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