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Wearable premature ejaculation patches: Competition swells in speculative sextech sector

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The nascent wearable premature ejaculation treatment device market looks to be hotting up, despite none of the companies making products for this promising sextech health niche actually releasing their wares to the public yet.

Over the past few years the Morari Medical company has been gaining an increasing amount of column inches about its smart patch, that attaches to the body between the testicles and the anus then delivers mild electric pulses to said area, designed to help prevent premature ejaculation.

The device was shown off at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January 2022, having also made an appearance at the 2020 edition of the event.

The development of what seems a direct rival product by a different company suggests that the wearable, app-controlled patches for premature ejaculation niche has the potential to grow into a recognised sextech field.

An Israeli firm called Virility Medical is developing the vPATCH, which the company claims will instigate a “paradigm shift in sexual wellbeing”. The vPATCH, like US-based Morari Medical’s patch, delivers electric pulses to the body. Each vPATCH has one intensity setting, such as ‘low’ or ‘high’. The product has been approved in the US by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Virility Medical is also developing a similar patch, the vSMART, which can be controlled by an app on a phone, connected to the device via Bluetooth. Like Morari Medical’s patch, neither the vPATCH or vSMART have hit the market or have a release date yet.

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The idea of willingly delivering electric pulses to your own genitals might not sound particularly appealing, but we’re not talking about Cellmate-style shocks here. The intensity of both the vPATCH and Morari Medical’s patch can be controlled via phone apps, with the makers suggesting that it’s best to begin using low intensity settings.

In May 2022 Virility Medical presented research to the American Urological Association, that featured 34 male participants with histories of premature ejaculation. The research found that using a disposable patch made by the company increased the time between vaginal penetration and ejaculation from an average of around 67 seconds to 123 seconds.

virility medical
Virility Medical’s depiction of how its vPATCH packaging may look

Tal Gollan, founder of Virility Medical, said: “Every physical action in the body, including ejaculation, has muscles associated with it. Our technology enhances men’s ability to contract the pelvic-floor muscles and postpone ejaculation by delivering transcutaneous neuromuscular stimulation. The core technology of the patch exists and has been used safely in consumer applications for years.”

With both companies developing their devices on a relatively similar timescale, a race to release what could be considered the first premature ejaculation sextech patch available on the market could ensue between Virility Medical and Morari Medical.

Morari Medical’s patch is not expected to launch before 2023, while no information about a release schedule for Virility Medical’s vPATCH and vSMART has been released.

Read next: Morari promises a solution to premature ejaculation, at $25 a pop

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