Female-focused indie porn film studio Sssh has launched a new remote screen-sharing function, allowing members to invite a guest to watch the site’s porn films in sync with them.
To use the new function, named Soirée, Sssh members send an invitation link to a guest to create a private virtual viewing room online. The member and the guest can then watch Sssh videos from the host member’s playlist in sync, while using a video chat facility, making it a bit like a Netflix Watch Party.
The films can also be shown in full-screen mode. Sssh said that the company does not record or view any private Soirée sessions, and uses peer-to-peer encryption, for security. The Soirée function is available to Sssh members at no extra cost.
Largely inspired by sex partners having to spend time apart during recent pandemic lockdowns, the function has been rolled out following increased demand for remote sex. Announcing the new service, Sssh staff suggested using remote controlled sex toys while watching the films on a Soirée session with a partner.
Sssh says the new function could be also used to assist film licensing processes too, for example allowing directors to run through their films with a guest remotely.
Sssh, which costs $4.95 for a trial two-day membership and $99.95 for one year, bills itself as providing empowering, high production-value, female-focused porn. Ideas for film content are sourced from the membership pool.
The site was founded by porn director and producer Angie Rowntree, whose vision focused on ‘sex positive’ porn created for women, with feminist principles.
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