This is the ninth edition in the Love & Sex With Robots series and also marks the return to an in-person conference after several years of meeting online. Founded by the author of the 2007 book by the same name, Dr. Daniel Levy, this year’s event is currently open to abstracts that cover (but aren’t limited to) topics around roboethics, robot emotions, AI companions, VR, AR, MR, and adult chatbots.
Four Keynote Speakers:
-> Delphine DiTecco, who is studying for a law PhD at Carleton University. DiTecco researches the intersections of technology, sexuality and law. Her dissertation research looks at robot technologies and sex worker rights, and how the latter can be protected and enhanced.
-> Dr Marty Klein, a marriage, family and sex therapist, will also give a keynote speech. He’s a board member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and wrote the 2006 book America’s War on Sex: The Continuing Attack on Law, Lust and Liberty.
-> Krystelle Shaughnessy associate professor of psychology at the University of Ottowa’s School of Psychology.
-> Karma: a doll community member who talks on dolls being a part of her wellbeing as a trans woman.