Whether the romance has dwindled, the bedroom action is feeling a little neglected, or simple communication is lacking, it’s safe to say we could all do with a little relationship help now and again. Naturally, it’s a role that tech tries to fill – as it does most other aspects of our lives. We spoke […]
sex education apps
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A desktop and phone-based browser game designed to teach you how to make your partner squirt with pleasure has been launched. The game, [very NSFW] SquirtMaster, has been created by XtraSexyReality: the Dutch sex play and education duo that produces VR and AR porn and educational content. It can be played through a browser without […]
Sexually transmitted infection (STI) home testing and status-sharing service iPlaySafe has rebranded as a new, free app called Zults, designed to reduce stigma around sharing STI information before sex. In 2021 iPlaySafe was launched in the UK by entrepreneurs Georgia Di Mattos and Bianca Dunne (pictured below, Di Mattos on the left). To use the […]
For a long time in India, talking openly about sex was seen as shameful, says Shweta Sangtani, the co-founder of Sangya Project in an interview with Bloomberg back in 2022. “The very phrase ‘sex toy’ is taboo.” However, times are changing, and sex tech in India is being led by companies that are boldly challenging […]
When you think of vaginal health technology, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s Kegel trainers or fertility apps. Yet, there is so much more that technology could do to maintain and enhance vaginal health in a market that is miles behind other health tech arenas. With vaginal discomfort named as one of the most common […]