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MysteryVibe Remote can control three devices at once

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MysteryVibe has released a universal remote control that allows you to control up to three of the sextech brand’s devices at once.

Simply named Remote, it connects to devices via Bluetooth and is a third option to control MysteryVibe products beyond using simple buttons on a sextech device itself, and your phone loaded with the MysteryVibe App and connected to your device via Bluetooth.

With MysteryVibe one of many sextech companies fully embracing remote app-controlled sextech device technology, a separate remote control device that looks like something you might control your television with might seem superfluous at first. However, by allowing multiple devices to be controlled by the Remote at once, it does bring a new element. Currently you can only control one sextech device at a time using the MysteryVibe app.

MysteryVibe remote 2

MysteryVibe’s sextech devices, which can all be connected to and controlled by the new Remote, include the Tenuto 2 couples stimulation toy, the bendable Crescendo vibrator, and the Poco: a miniature ‘bullet’ version of the Crescendo.

The black design of the Remote is relatively straightforward, featuring buttons to change vibration intensity settings. It sells for $39 and is a compact product weighing 40 grams, with a length of ten centimeters and height of 2.5 centimeters. It charges via a USB cable, included in the bundle. It can be used in connected mode for up to four hours between charges.

You can’t create new vibration patterns for your sextech devices using the Remote. However, it can be connected to the MysteryVibe App so custom vibration patterns created in the app can be administered through the remote. The Remote can be used up to six meters away from your MysteryVibe sextech device.

MysteryVibe remote 3 scaled

The big selling point, however, is the Remote’s ability to control multiple devices. It can control three devices simultaneously, or be set to flit between control of up to three devices in one session.

While this ability to control multiple devices via Bluetooth could prove a strong selling point, both for individual, couple and throuple play, it does beg the question: couldn’t MysteryVibe tweak its app so you could control multiple devices using your phone, without having to buy a separate remote control product?

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